My Easy Healthy, And Filling, Breakfast Bowl

Healthy Breakfast Bowl Recipe

Everytime I travel, I come back with inspiration in the kitchen for recipes or cocktails. It happens everywhere I go. Whether it’s a native ingredient that I want to try like these dragonfruit mojitos after visiting Thailand, or my spaghetti bolognese after being in Italy. I’m always inspired by the food, drinks and ingredients when I travel. Personally, it’s my favorite part of traveling. I love it more than sightseeing, snapping photos or taking in the history. It’s always the food and the people that get me excited about a place. So obviously today’s recipe has a travel story behind it as most of the dishes I tend to whip up at home now do.

Healthy Breakfast Bowl Recipe

While in Mykonos on a girls trip, we headed to a super Instagram worthy restaurant called Bowl. It was not Greek AT ALL, but that was fine. We were starving for breakfast and decided to walk a mile (don’t ask) to get food. We saw this hot pink and white restaurant on our drive in when we arrived and I instantly made a mental note. I’m all for a cute and trendy spot that ALSO has good food. And the food did not disappoint. It was delicious. We ordered two things to share, their brekkie bowl and a yogurt parfait bowl. Both so so good.

The brekkie bowl was my favorite and as soon as we inhaled it I knew I had to recreate it at home.  It was so simple but also insanely flavorful. It was just simply roasted mushrooms and tomatoes topped with avocado, arugula and two soft boiled eggs. A squeeze of lemon pulled the whole dish together.

I actually forgot to add meat to this. But it’s fine. The one we had in Mykonos was topped with flat top grilled ham, sort of like Canadian bacon. A personal favorite. You can add in any kind of meat you like. I’ve made this also with leftover Italian sausage, classic bacon or just as is for a meat-free version. When I do make this at home, I make a big batch of the roasted veggies. This way I can just heat up what I need and fry up an egg and then you’ve got breakfast. Meal prepping this is super easy and it’s always nice to have roasted veggies on hand to whip up a dish in a pinch. If you’re paleo, low carb or Keto, this easy healthy breakfast hits all the diets!

Healthy Breakfast

Roasted Mushroom and Tomato Breakfast Bowl Recipe

This breakfast is super filling and honestly makes for a great breakfast for dinner too. I like to make extra roasted veggies to have on hand to whip up in a pinch in the mornings. They heat up in seconds in the microwave. Plus, you can roast any of your favorite veggies like butternut squash, sweet potato or zucchini. Whatever you like, or whatever is about to go bad in your fridge, will work just fine. PS I can never get an egg to soft boil. I seem to always forget about it. A soft boil egg is nice though since the yolk gets all up in the lemon juice and creates a bit of a dressing for the arugula.


  • 1 package of baby tomatoes
  • 1 package of mushrooms, use whatever mushrooms you fancy
  • Arugula
  • Soft boiled eggs (or fried, hard boiled, scrambled)
  • Lemon
  • Avocado
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Everything But The Bagel Seasoning


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees and line two sheet pans with tin foil
  2. Add your mushrooms and tomatoes to the sheet pan and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper.
  3. Roast for about 15-20 minutes or until tender and tomatoes have burst. I always like to do this on two sheet pans in case one finishes before the other. Plus the tomatoes kind of get messy.
  4. While that roasts, hard boil your eggs (or fry them, whatever).
  5. Once your veggies are finished, add them to a bowl with a handful of arugula, half an avocado, sliced, eggs and a squeeze of lemon. I like to top my eggs and avocado with Everything But The Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s and a little crushed red pepper flakes.
Healthy Breakfast Bowl Recipe
Healthy Breakfast Bowl Recipe


Low Carb Breakfast Bowl

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Servings 1


  • 1 pint baby tomatoes
  • 1 pint mushrooms use whatever mushrooms you fancy
  • 1 cup Arugula
  • 2 Soft boiled eggs or fried, hard boiled, scrambled
  • ½ Lemon
  • ½ Avocado
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Everything But The Bagel Seasoning


  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees and line two sheet pans with tin foil
  • Add your mushrooms and tomatoes to the sheet pan and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. You can also add your Everything But The Bagel seasoning as well.
  • Roast for about 10-15 minutes or until tender and tomatoes have burst. I always like to do this on two sheet pans in case one finishes before the other. Plus the tomatoes kind of get messy. 
  • While that roasts, hard boil your eggs (or fry them, whatever).
  • Once your veggies are finished, add some of them to a bowl with a handful of arugula, half an avocado, sliced, eggs and a squeeze of lemon. I like to top my eggs and avocado with Everything But The Bagel seasoning and a little crushed red pepper flakes. You’ll have left over tomatoes and mushrooms which will be great the next day!

My Easy Healthy, And Filling, Breakfast Bowl published first on